Letting Go

One day here. The next day gone. No warning. No goodbye. It just ended. I don’t get it. It is like doing a disappearing act. Now you see them. Now you do not. Like voices swept away in a storm. I have been waiting. Hoping. Looking to see your faces. Listening to hear your […]
Ecoute Ma Voix

Sur mon GPS apparait une annotation me demandant si je veux m’engager via l’autoroute en m’acquittant du paiement.
Ce à quoi je clique sur « OUI »- je possède la vignette « autoroute suisse 2022 »
Cette annotation couvre tout le GPS,
je ne distingue plus aucune indication de route à suivre, et….
elle reste bloquée…
Engagée sur l’autoroute, il me faut continuer… je ne vois plus rien sur mon GPS ☹
Oh la la, ça ne fonctionne plus, le cache reste bloqué…
et la route à prendre m’est inconnue.
Hirte Sein

Hirte sein in der heutigen Zeit – Gibt es das noch? – Ein Interview mit zwei
Vertretern dieser Berufsklasse
Moderatorin: Ursula Meyer
Hirte sein, ein herausfordernder Beruf. Wir lernen zwei unterschiedliche Hirten kennen.
Schon seit einigen Jahren sind der Wolf und der Bär in der Schweiz zurück: Wie schützen die
Hirten ihre Herde vor diesen Tieren?
Love Finds Me (Part I – The Search for God)

The journey to find love, or more accurately, to find the One who embodies love and who Himself is love, is a journey we all need to embark on – the sooner, the better. In this process we get a better understanding of our true identity. In finding the One who is love, we find ourselves. Knowing whose we are, is the beginning of knowing who we really are. I have heard that we are made with a longing in our hearts that cannot be filled by any person or thing.
This poem is about my journey to find this One Love that is superior to all other loves and is the only One able to fill the longing in our hearts.For a long time, I thought that I knew this higher Love, until I embarked on a relationship with Him and quickly realized, I mostly knew of Him.