Prayer | Presence | Passion



Sunday 10:00 AM

GD: Margarethenstrasse 103
CH-4053 Basel

It is our passion to see the glory of God fill the Earth.

We want to make space for the Holy Spirit in every aspect of our lives.

Our desire is for this to impact our gatherings.

Welcome to Oikos International Church! We are glad that you are here! We want you to know that Oikos is a family, and you are accepted as you are. We are a place where you can experience grace, find healing and discover your purpose. If you would like to plan a visit and find out more, click the links below, we would love to meet you!

- The Oikos Church Family

Stiftung b/e/t/e Konferenz

what we do

Our Programs On Sundays

We are passionate about the local church, and are on mission to see God’s kingdom established across the earth. See how you can help:

Special Events

Our Leadership

Larwin & Silvia Nickelson

Senior Pastors

You matter to God.
You matter to us.

Prayer Request / Gebetsanliege