We are a church family where people can find a spiritual home, where we can be healed and released into our calling.

you are always welcome

Who We are


Oikos is a Greek word, meaning ‘house’ or ‘family’. We are a church family where people can find a spiritual home, where we can be healed and released into our calling. We believe that being transparent with one another and embracing each other’s strengths, as well as weaknesses, creates unity. We do this because we live by His grace and not through performance.


Oikos is represented by over 20 nations. We are greatly enriched by the unity, which reaches beyond national and cultural borders. This diversity is emphasized by visits from guest speakers from all over the world. Services are in English and German and we provide other translations according to the need. 



We are an evangelical free church associated with the federation of Swiss Evangelical Alliance (SEA). The redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross is the basis of our profession of faith.  

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We’ll Pray For You!

What We Believe

The Creed:

“I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again;
he ascended into heaven,
he is seated at the right hand of the Father,
and he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy Church worldwide,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.


Our Senior Pastors

Larwin & Silvia Nickelson

Larwin and Silvia are the founders of Oikos International Church.

Larwin is a Swiss national of Indian origin. In 1981 he graduated from Bible College in Seattle, Washington (USA) where he was also ordained as a pastor.

Silvia is Swiss and met Larwin in India in 1983, where they were married and lived for a few years, helping Larwin’s father in the ministry of church planting. In 1990 they moved to Basel and started to build churches in Switzerland.

Larwin founded the Oikos Tamil Church which ministers to the Tamil population in different cantons.

Larwin and Silvia are parents of 3 adult children and grandparents of 2 grandchildren.
Michaela & Andy Meier
Andy and Michaela both have a burning desire to see individuals, the church, the city, and the nation touched, healed and transformed by the presence of God. Both enjoy teaching, preaching, and encouraging in order to strengthen the body of Christ.

Michaela is also involved in church administration and organisation, and likes interpreting.

As the leader of a home association, Andy has a special call for leaders in Switzerland.
Mandy & Keith Muckett
Originally from the UK, Keith and Mandy have been part of the Oikos family since 2001. Mandy is an author and encourager with a heart for women and is also a leader of the Saphira women’s Ministry.

Keith leads the James 1 men’s group and the Media Ministry, as well as seeing the workplace as his main mission field.

Married over 30 years they have a desire to see marriages healed and run courses on the topic of ‘Growing Sexual Intimacy in Marriage’.
Simon Schaub

It is a great joy for me to be part of the Oikos Family. My wish is that we as a whole church can dig out our (hidden) gifts and talents more and more and thus build the Kingdom of God together. Another wish of my heart is that every person in our environment, in our city, in our country or in the whole world receives at least once in his / her life the chance to experience a touch from God by having anencounter with the Holy Spirit, receiving a physical or emotional healing and having the opportunity to entrust his / her life to Jesus with a decision.

Cristina Corpataux
I have been married since 1991, have two wonderful daughters and have been in the Oikos Family for many years. It gives me great joy to worship God with our wonderful worship groups that take us to heavenly places.

There my spirit is filled with joy, confidence, strength and love. This motivates me to tell the people around me about the King of kings, so that not a soul is lost. For one day we will be with the living God and be allowed to live eternally with unveiled vision with HIM.

My heart beats for telling people the Gospel and praying for them when they are sick. The wonderful thing is that I have seen so many healings and restorations! I have experienced how what is humanly impossible becomes possible through the love of God! This fascinates me deeply and drives me again and again to do the will of the Lord and to let HIM, the King of kings, change me in His image.

Our Vision

We long to have God’s glory in our midst. As bearers of His presence, the world shall experience His love through us.



In unity we desire to seek God’s will and God’s presence in all that we do as a church. We want to allow God to grow people into maturity of faith and character – from orphans to sons – from sons to fathers.


We understand our calling as an apostolic church that is part of the global move of God upon the earth. God is building His church through many different vessels and ministries, one of which is the local church. We also have a desire to see God sending revival to Switzerland, especially the “Dreiländereck”, and that God will once again pour out His Spirit on “all flesh”, as promised in the Bible.


Knowing that we cannot fulfil this vision as a single congregation, we founded Stiftung b/e/t/e in 2004, in order to carry this vision beyond the local church. Together with the larger body of Christ, we desire to form a vessel where we can hold annual conferences and prayer gatherings so that God may reveal to us His heart for unity, transformation and revival in our nations.


Over decades of seeking God’s guidance as a local church we always welcomed prophetic words from the Lord, as it says in 2. Peter 1,19

“And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts”

In June 2018 God spoke a word of prophecy over our church through Joanne Moody from Global Awakening Ministries, that confirmed an important next step for us. We were to leave our old home in Münchenstein and move into the house of prayer (hop) Basel.

Some extracts from the prophecy:

“I see the old has passed away…the new is here. I see it rising…it’s like the crest of a wave. You are on the top of the crest…right before the wave breaks…“

God had prepared our hearts for a long time regarding leaving the old and for expecting something new to happen in our ministry.For more than a decade we waited weekly before God, in worship and prayer, for the fulfilment of His promises of revival over our nations.

The picture of this blue wave has been with us ever since. Through the prophecy, we also knew the first “new” step meant that we were to leave the old building.

The prophecy goes on to say,
“I hear the Lord saying: you have got to get out of that building…holding on to that building is holding on to an old idea…an old thing…the Lord is doing a new thing!”

So in March 2019 we moved as Oikos to hop Basel, after 20 years of residence in Münchenstein.

Hop Basel was launched in 2012 by Bernhard and Claudia Mössner. As co-pastors of Oikos International Church, they had been carrying this vision of establishing a house of prayer for years.

Although we believe our move to hop Basel is only temporary, it has been a step toward a renewal for our congregation, in coming together as God’s family. Our relationship with hop has deepened and our common vision has been strengthened.

Before Covid 19, the hop Basel cafeteria created an ideal atmosphere to draw closer and deepen relationships.

The prophecy continues,
“The Lord says I am bringing the family closer together…deep, deep, deep family relationships….before the new breaks in.”

We believe that God is preparing hearts and pulling His children together in healed relationships, in order to become carriers of His presence and stewards of the next move of God upon the Earth.

“You are strategic, not only for Basel, but in some ways for all of Switzerland. You will come together and unite with other ‘fires of His Presence’ which will come from over all Switzerland…”

Our hearts long for this fire, for this new outpouring of His Spirit over our country, our city and our churches. We hold fast to the prophetic word until the day dawns, and until God’s Spirit breaks upon this world like a mighty wave.


Pastor Selim Sali Alijevic

Pastor Selim is leading a big church among the Roma population in Serbia with about 1000 members.
Larwin and Silvia visited Selim and the church twice. There is much potential for church growth and the building of God’s kingdom among this people group in Serbia.

Ofer & Chris Amitai

Ofer Amitai & Chris are pastors of the Church of El-ROII in Jerusalem. They also head the “Israel Prayer and Training Center” in Jerusalem. Ofer speaks outside of Israel in churches and in conferences, promoting prayer and teaching about God’s heart for the restoration of His chosen people. Chris conducts prayer meetings, teaches, and creates educational material for children in their community. Ofer and Chris have two adult children.

Dr. Jeyaseelan

Pastors Jey and Lizy Jeyaseelan are leading an Apostolic network in India, called Victory Churches. They have established many churches throughout North India and Punjab, they also conduct evangelistic crusades among unreached tribes in Northern India. They established a large ministry among the millions of slum residents in Delhi with schools, orphanages and programs to feed the poor. Lizy Is Larwin’s older sister.

Sewing School in India

In 1983 Larwin and Silvia Nickelson set up a sewing school in the town of Kolar Gold Fields in South India. This allows women access to a free education, and to earn a small salary. After one year of training they are able to find jobs as tailors, and to take care of themselves. More and more women with Hindu or Muslim background have also developed a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Monovah Nickelson

Monovah Nickelson is the brother of Larwin. He leads the missionary work in South India that his father began over 50 years ago. At present, the ministry includes at least 30 churches, a Bible college, sewing schools for underprivileged women, and an orphanage.

Stiftung Schleife

Stiftung Schleife supports and encourages individuals, Christian organizations and other groups. Their special events (seminars, conferences, counselling, prophecy, leadership & coaching, children & youth ministry, music and art) are based on fundamental Christian values and relate to God in a practical way to find solutions. The main focus is training in the practical, professional and spiritual realm.
Leaders: Andreas & Stephanie Keller

Prayer Request / Gebetsanliege